"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

EEG @ Mayo Clinic

Jymani went for his first appointment at the Mayo Clinic on June 2, 2009! He is now 76lbs and 3ft 7' tall. His new Neurologist's name is Dr. Renaud and she seems very interested in Jymani's case. She was somewhat surprised by some of the treatment Jymani has been recieving and she has a good "game plan" set! We are very optimistic that we will find more answers and have improved health care! On June
18th he had an EEG and what a differnce it was to simply put a cap with all the wires connected versus placing each wire one by one. Jymani still had a couple of rough moments and they had to sedate him for the sleep part of the test, but overall he did well! The Mayo Clinic is amazing and I am so happy we made this move!

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