"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

{7/23/10-7/25/10} ...a small family Vacation.

This weekend we went camping (in a cabin) in Tomahawk WI.  Jymani was able to play in the lake and he had so much fun!  He was a little fish and we got some great pictures of the fun he was having!!

He loved splashing the water and watching it come back up at him!!

MiNoCqUa, WiScOnSiN {7/24/10}

We decided to have this Old Time portrait done of the kids while visiting the shops in Minocqua, WI.  The kids had a blast dressing up and posing for the pictures!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jymani's Special Gift!

Jymani received an autographed picture of Brett Favre!!  He was so excited! Thank you to Susan Walker and the Hope Foundation for making that possible!  Everyone knows how much Jymani loves Brett Favre! We are going to have it professionally framed for him!

{July 4, 2o1o} iNdePeNdeNce dAy!

This year we traveled to WI to spend the 4th with family!  We had a huge BBQ and Jymani was able to laugh and play with all his siblings in "his" pool at Grandma & Grandpa's House.  He was like a fish and spent almost the whole weekend in the pool!  He even got a sun tan!!!  It was a great feeling to see him playing outside and really fitting in with the other kids!  We are working so hard on obtaining a cooling vest so Jymani can play outside on a regular basis and not be stuck in the A/C all summer.

 This is the first time Jymani has ever been in the pool without hanging on to or being held by someone!  He swam around in his little tube and was being such a very big boy!  There was nothing separating him from having the time of his life this weekend!  He just swam to his little heart's content!!