"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

......alot of time has passed!!!

Wow!! It's been over a year! Well, where do I begin? Jymani is now almost 4 years old and my how he has grown! He has come such a long way and overcome many obstacles!! Since Jymani was diagnosed with OMS in 12/06 our lives have changed drastically!! We take several trips to the hospital and Jymani has many doctors overseeing his care. Not only is he fighting OMS, he has a seizure disorder, sleep apena and he was most recently diagnosed with ODD. I don't know why and if I question that on a daily basis I think I would go insane. All I do know is that Jymani is a trooper. I couldn't imagine having to go through all the tests, infusions, the poking and the prying that is done on his little body on a regular basis. I know that if I could..... I most definitely would take his place. I wish I could take his pain away....Lord knows I do!!!


The Woodman Family said...

Welcome to Blogspot!! I looks awesome and it is great way to keep everyone updated!!

Jymani is so cute. Makhi just turned 4 on the 20th of this month. I am glad you got your site up and working!!! Talk to you soon
Tara Woodman

Debbie said...

Site looks great! What a trooper your beautiful boy has been.
Debbie & Connor Khoury

SaraK said...

Jaymani is the sweetest boy...he deserves and needs everyones thoughts and prayers. I love him and his brothers and sisters very much. The whole family is an inspiration to other families struggling with this terrible disease. Love you guys!!!!