"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2 seizures in May......

Jymani had two very typical seizures in May.  He is being followed by a new Neurologist at Gillette in St Paul, MN.  We are hoping we can switch medication as we just found out one of his seizure medications lowers the ability to sweat.....thus causing Jymani to overheat...which generally brings on a seizure. Unfortunately, his Neurologist is more concerned about treating Jymani's behaviors and we will work on changing seizure meds once we have the outbursts and inability to control himself better under control.  In the mean time, I have started a Seizure binder to start tracking Jymani's seizures and hopefully pinpointing why he keeps having them and what (if anything) I can do to stop them from coming on!!

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