"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

So Sick of Seizures........

After bath time tonight Jymani was playing the Wii and he had a seizure.  I was in the other room so luckily Jyacia noticed it right away and called us in the room.  She is such a BIG girl and a GREAT sister!  I feel bad that Jymani has to go through this. I also feel bad that the other kids have to watch him go through it.  They are on top of it though and I am so very proud of her tonight.  This is why we make it so very clear that Jymani cannot be alone at anytime of the day!  The thought of him having a seizure on his own scares me to death!! Jymani went right to sleep immediately following the seizure and I am going to keep my eyes on him all night because he is sleeping right next to me.  Looks like it is going to be another all niter, but a mommy has to do what a mommy has to do!  I will be on the phone with the Neurologist first thing in the morning.  I'm banking on the fact that his thoughts of not seeing Jymani for another year will be changed.   My heart breaks for my baby.........every seizure hurts a little more, it just doesn't get easier.....I LOVE YOU BUDDY!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Jymani found his Easter basket all on his own today!! And then he made sure to help the other kids!  (each was hidden behind their school pictures.) He is so smart!!!  He knew that Tajai's basket would be behind Tajai's picture...and so on.  Here he is with his Phineas and Ferb basket.  We all know this is his favorite cartoon and I was too excited when I found this basket!!  It was stuffed with lots of goodies and he was lovin' every bit if it!!!


Jymani just finished 2 rounds of IVIG and he has been switched from Methylin to Adderol and what a difference it has made in his behavior at home and at school!!  Jymani is playing with his siblings and his friends without major issues and he is working so hard in school to be independent!  This was Jymani's first day at the park after a long and cold winter!  These are the months we long for when the temperature is just right for him to be outside playing with the other kids.  Hopefully Spring lasts as long as winter did before it gets to hot for him to be outside!  That would be fabulous!!
This is Jymani with his siblings Mikayla, Tajai and Jyacia.