"We must overcome difficulties, rather than letting difficulties overcome us!"

Monday, April 30, 2012

I am so frustrated with everything that has been happening over the past month.  I feel like I am falling apart!  All I want to do is what is best for my little boy, I keep trying to send him to school, just to turn around and go get him an hour or so later.  It's like they just can't handle him anymore and my back is against the wall.  I am doing everything I am suppose to do!  Lord knows I am!  I am going above and beyond what most parents do.....am I missing something here?  Now the school has all but given up on him, I am constantly having to go and pick him up.  I mean what is the sense of even sending him anymore if they can't handle him?  Everyone seems to be slowly turning their backs on us, and I don't know where else to turn!  We now have been referred BACK to Milwaukee to the first Neurologist who diagnosed him, but they aren't even sure if the insurance will go through.  I am just at a complete loss.  BUT I'M NOT GIVING UP ON YOU JYMANI, none of your family is......you still have all of us who are going to keep pushing and fighting until you get the care and treatment you need!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Its been a hard few weeks..............

Jymani has really been struggling to keep his "cool" at home and now his behaviors are coming out in school.  Yesterday, he had to leave school because he was being a danger to himself and others.  I was told that it would be "unsafe" for him to ride the bus home.  The thing that gets me is they talked to me earlier in the afternoon and told me that there was nothing they needed me to do.  I told them I could come and get him and they said he was better and he was back in class with his peers.  Really, I should have just went with my first mind and picked him up.  His school has this "Solution Room" that I think hurts more than it helps.  It is an empty concrete "jail cell".  Jymani spent most of the afternoon in there yesterday and he was a complete monster all the way home and all night.  We both ended up crying ourselves to sleep.  I know Jymani's behaviors lashing out are a sure tail sign of an OMS relapse.  I son't know what to do anymore.  The doctors have all but turned us away.  Except his pediatrician, God Bless her heart, she really shows so much interest in Jymani's case, but there is nothing else any of the specialists will do.  I know he needs treatment, but what, and when and for how long?? Someone needs to listen, someone needs to help, I have explored every option! We have gone through 4 Neurologist, 2 Hem/Onc docs, 3 Psychiatrists........I mean what else do I have to do?  Please God, I need you now!!
 Jymani kissing Mommy Easter 2012